Monday, January 14, 2013

Old regrets and excuses.

Sometimes I meet people who are regretting all kind of stuff happened in their life. " If this would have happened different, If he would not have done this and that etc etc.

I always think: " Maybe there was something I could have done differently, or maybe not". Either way, merely these are things that have already happened.

I say: get it over with. Be done with these old regrets and excuses. It might be useful as an excuse for people who have failed. And, failing, and using it as an excuse, only happens to those who do not learn anything and give up. And by using old regrets and excuses, the failing goes on and on and on.

Most of the time one fails because of the things he did not have the guts for to do.

You will fail with the things you make excuses about for the rest of your life.
