Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Organisations make a difference through people.

Sometimes people ask if it is OK to work with big corporations. Like we, at Knowmads Business School, work with clients like KLM, Achmea or T-Mobile. Or are talking with other big corporations like SHELL.

I always start with the idea that companies are made by and consist of people. People make it happen, not a ghost, a computer system or outer space creatures. 

And, organisations can make a difference through the people working there. Or not. So I always look at the people I am talking with, not the logo on the building, the brochure, the advertisement, website or the business card. And when you realize that it is a human being, sitting in front of you, with feelings, experiences, his or her own story, I want to hear their story.

Who is the person in front of me, why does he do what he does, how does he see his company, what does he want to do and to change and to make better, different, and how can we grow something together which makes us better. 

The together us, our common personal purpose we will find out together. Or not. And that is also OK. Based on a humanistic view. Not a website, a logo or a story in the newspaper. 

Personal. Because organisations are people. Persons.