Education. A big word nowaday's. Education is hip. Mayb the new bubble? A hype? Or, because there are manny people involved, it is business. And, everybody, including me, thinks he knows something about it. Or has an opinion about it. How it should be. What works, and what does not work. Mostly the 35/40 plus generation. What about the students themselves? Are they in the lead?
I believe that we are learning all day.Every day. By seeing, listening, doing, smelling, hearing, touching, with all our senses we do learn. From each other, out of books, magazines, television, You-tube, Google etc. We get everything in our system. In our heads, and in our hearts. And in our hands. We do stuff with it. Or do not. Which is also learning.
Who needs big campus for that? Libraries? Universities? Big debts by taking an education which only focuses on the head? I saw the other day a great quote from a graduated student, saying: Thank you Google, Wikipedia, MSN and Crtl-C/Ctrl-V for my graduation.
My question is: how can we make our daily invisible learnings visible. How to get learning into the awareness of ourselves, that what we are doing, now, is based on something we did, saw, felt, learned before. Which experience, learning, knowledge might have worked, or is working out, or not. And how to build on that experience, knowledge and feeling in a fruitful way so it starts working for ourselves. And for others. And the world.
How visible is your invisible learning?