Making it up as we go along.
This is how we did it while we where kids and while growing up. This was the best way of navigating through our lives. See what happens and then react on it, do something with it, or not. When we grew up we where improvising our way through life. Getting by the best we could.
How did we get out of that natural rhythm? We have the idea that we can create an achievable or make-able world. We can shape/manage upfront everything, shaping ourselves, ideas, actions and plan ourselves till death. Shape, manage, plan our companies, our projects, with plans, action steps, stepping stones, deadlines etc. etc.
And the reality, most of the time, is different. Or it hits in, when we did not expect it. Influences from outside, actions from others, or from nature, are shaking our reality and can make a whole different reality happening in our lives. Or in our organisation. Or in our project. In our daily lives.
Why don't we teach and tell our kids that making it up as we go along is what life is all about? Why no tips and tricks for living by the seat of our pants? To show that we can do better?
My daily motto, amongst others: take it from here with the given facts. These given facts change, constantly.
Try making it up, once in a while, as you go along.