More passion into the education system.
In regular education the starting point is often control. It paralyzes the teachers and the students.
Once I heard a great story of a friend of mine. He was overhearing a talk between two old ladies during breakfast in a hotel. One lady said to the other she still had to manage her luggage. The other one asked if it was managing or organizing her luggage. The lady asked what she meant. "Organizing is something you do because you feel like, it comes from an inner drive. Managing is something which comes from the outside, it is a have to, driven by demands from the outside" she answered.
Most of our educational institutes are being managed. By managers or administrators. From an outside perspective. I call it spreadsheet management. If it fits in a cell of a spreadsheet it will work. To quantify it. Not start from the inside, or try to organise it. Because there is a big lack of passion.
Passion for the individual student, for the individual learning curve. Passion for young people who are, regardless of their lack of experience, driven to try stuff. Driven from inside to organize it the best they can.
We, as teachers and educators need to indoctrinate passion into the system. By organizing the things we think can be beneficent for our students. Show them where to look, not what to see.
Be passionate ourselves. About the things we love. I find a lot of fulfillment in students who are making things happen. Starting from their believe that they can make it. This is a great return on the passion I put in.
What's you passion? What makes you cry, die or fly?
(and, did you ever meet a real passionate manager?)