At Knowmads we talk a lot about change. So, it is a very disturbing environment at Knowmads. Why?
Change only takes place when people allow an event or information to disturb them. Disturb them so much, that they are letting go of their present beliefs, and are willing to develop a new, different interpretation. So change is about letting go. And that is very scary. Because things get a different meaning when you let go.
Education, how we at Knowmads are facilitating it, is giving students the possibility to change the meaning of things. What is the meaning of a workshop? Why should I attend a workshop Non Violent Communication? Or a workshop about Nietzsche and his influence on Nazi Germany? As part of the program of a Business School? Read here what Jonas, from Tribe 4 of Knowmads learned, by sometimes feeling very disturbed.
Meaning is relative. Meaning, it relates to something you choose for it relates to. It shows of great abilities to change yourself, and by that your relation to the outside world if you can change where things relate to. If you can change the relation you have with the why and the how of the meaning of something, or somebody, you are a change-maker. For that you have to let go. But you have to choose so to be disturbed.
Try to choose to be disturbed. And it is scary. But change will appear. For sure.