Saturday, January 5, 2013


Knowmads cross boundaries. That is in the dna of knowmads. 

Knowmads are moving between people and places. And they are sensitive. Towards themselves and their surrounding. And because they move, they constantly come from a different perspective. And because of that they are able to see, feel and do different things. With a project, with the lives of the people around them.

It is about moving. When moving one gets hold of different data. Different experiences. Different meaning. A different stance towards the people in their environment. Out of that also inspiring stories emerge. Stories which are speaking to the heart. To the feelings of people. Stories that inspire people to look at themselves and their (working) environment differently.

Check out the different way's of describing knowmads in the book Knowmad Society we published two weeks ago.

We are knowmads, and you?